he has a sweet tooth中文
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關於「he has a sweet tooth中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1每週兩則,讓小丸子幫你搞定這些美式片語跟俚語 - 登峰美語
( 不了,謝謝。我不是很喜歡吃甜食。 ) 「 have a sweet tooth」是什麼意思?嗜吃甜食.
- 2sweet tooth 是甜牙齒、eye candy 是眼睛糖?八個和身體部位 ...
指長相好看、賞心悅目的人、事、物。 The new guy in the office is a total eye candy. Girls are crazy about him! 公司裡新...
- 3「have a sweet tooth」不是「有一顆甜牙」,這樣理解就錯了
不要直譯為「有一顆甜牙」,. 實際意思是「愛吃甜食」。 She had a toothache recently because she always has a sweet tooth. 她最...
- 4什麼!sweet tooth竟然不是指「嘴巴很甜」?關於”HAVE” 你 ...
“sweet tooth”如果不是指嘴巴很甜、很會講話,那會是指什麼?其實“Bill has a sweet tooth.”是指Bill很喜歡吃零食、餅乾等甜食啦!
- 5sweet tooth (【名詞】嗜甜, 對甜食(尤指糖果和巧克力 ... - Engoo
If you say, "I have a sweet tooth," it means you enjoy sweets, such as candy, cake, or ice cream....